Friday 6 August 2021

Shopping list

 Mauri, My name is Johfritz,  in the last couple of days my class and i has been working on a shopping list. We had to spend $100 dollars. Everything is 50% percent off. Also we needed to buy something,  buying stuff. We also needed to work out by using division, addition, subtraction, fractions and percentage. Also the finishing product was this. 


  1. Mauri Johfritz, My name is Tu'amelie and also I go to Edmund hillary school. I love how you took a picture of your amazing work! I love how you decorated your shopping list and even you drawing the stuff your brought from PaKi'nsave. Also you explaining how you worked out, buyed all those stuff and how much you had. Hope you have a good week!

  2. Kia orana johfritz. My name is Luke and what i liked about your work is it's really tidy. keep posting and keep up the good work.

  3. Talofa Johfritz, My name is Zion and I am working with a partner Sione and our school is EHS. We really like the way how you draw pictures of items and We really like the details. Have you ever draw an dinosaur? Ka kite. Hope you have a good day.


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Positive - Something done well
Thoughul - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about